Monday, April 25, 2016

When the magnificence of nature is shown through a camera

We have a camera and the desire to capture beautiful images but that is not enough. There are many ways to take pictures, and those who do not perform this task in a professional way can consider that it is easy, but it's not...

We can gather 100 people with the same type of camera in the same place and none of them will take exactly the same photograph. It's about "eye", talent and creativity. Some photographs not only show the object that has taken the camera but beyond, they pick something that goes beyond words and explanations and that is inherent in what has been achieved through the image, a particular image that is different though thousands have seen it before, because it has its own soul. 

Some photographers specialize basically in nature, everyone can take a picture of a flower or an animal, but some of these specialized photographers have the ability to show it splendidly, simply through the eye of their camera, their own eye, which can see what nobody else can.

There are photographers who make art and are able to show nature in all its magnificence as no one else can do it. Capture the beauty and complexity of nature requires great sensitivity and only a true artist can do it.

Today, I want to show you Evie Hanlon's work. She is an Australian photographer and artist that delights us with her wonderful photographs that capture the essence of what she wants to show. She is a true artist who shows her vision of nature beyond what the simple eye can see.

You can click on the images to see her complete gallery, and I suggest you to pay attention to her drawings as well, which have a magical touch.

If you want to know more about Evie Hanlon you can visit this link:

Art Prints Photography Prints Photography Prints


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